Alley Cat

Chloe smoothened her skirt as she set down the trash bag into the dumpster. Her brown curls were tied into a messy bun while some of them covered her face like grape vines. She dusted off her hands and tucked the helpless strands of hair behind her ear. The freckles against her rosy cheeks resembled the starry sky. Working part time as a waitress after high school was quite difficult or the 16 year old girl. Worn out from all the work , Chloe slumped on a plastic barrel next to the back door. Her shift was almost over and she'd soon leave for her house to greet her beloved room mate - a little kitten of 2 months.
The back door opened to an alley which was always engulfed in darkness and seemed eerie to almost all of the workers at the place. But Chloe , being an emo kid was not bothered by darkness at slightest. She'd usually sneak out to the alley to avoid confrontation with her co-workers when the rush died. Also it was the perfect place for a smoke when she felt like it. No one dared to follow her there except for her supervisor who  always gave her an earful for slacking off between rush hours.
The alley was dimly lit by a yellow bulb which appeared to be an object from another time.

"We have a VIP guest here ! I need all the staff to assemble in the kitchen for a moment please. That involves you too Chloe , I know you are out there !!" her supervisor yelled from inside.

Chloe responded with a weak voice filled with anguish .  A VIP guest at this hour ? Who could it be ? Gosh these freaks really need to look at the time .............. she mumbled to herself as she followed others to the kitchen.
" Okay guys, I know you all have worked really hard today and must be tired after such a long day but we have received a sudden request from Mr. William to arrange a surprise party for his beloved wife. So please co-operate with me for few hours." said the hotel manager with his hands clasped in front of him.
" Mr. William ! Isn't he the one who starred in the latest blockbusters  Cherry Blossom and To hell with you ?!?!?!?!" exclaimed one of the waitresses with excitement.
The entire staff squealed with joy as Chloe opened her mouth in protest but her supervisor cut in  middle and whispered into her ear,
"I will pack you 2 pancakes if you co-operate."
" Make it 5 pancakes with plenty of maple syrup and I will work the night out." she grinned.
Her supervisor let out a defeated sigh and nodded much to Chloe's amusement.

True, that she might miss the last bus to her house but 5 pancakes drenched in maple syrup was worth it! Chloe thought as she smiled to herself.

After 2 hours of preparation and 2 hours of loud party and drinks the manager finally called it a day.
Chloe received her pancakes just as promised and a little left over tuna for her cat. She changed into her usual clothes - an oversized black hoodie with ridiculously long sleeves matched with a pair o sneakers and a pair of stonewashed ripped jeans.
Oh how good it felt to get out of that girly outfit and back into her comfy clothes ! She loved this part of the day when she kicked off the frilly dress and encompassed herself into the comfort of her beloved hoodie.Taking up a job as a waitress was not her choice but it was the only job that fit into her timing and paid off her expenses. She left her hair open as tying them up was a pain. All that she could think of was the warmth of her bed.

Chloe chose to go out through the back door , to avoid bumping into her co-workers on the way out. Afterall she had received a generous gift from her supervisor for the first time. Also her attire always raised unwanted questions. The back door creaked as she stepped into the alley. The bulb was flickering as she checked her cell phone. It was 3:00AM .
Great ! It had been two hours after the last bus which meant she had to walk all the way up to her house. But this time of the night also meant that there would be no one out to bother her. Perfect ! she thought.

Little did she know that a pair of eyes were watching her from somewhere beyond her sight.

The lock screen of her cellphone  had the image of her kitten. She had found him outside her apartment the day she moved in and from that day , it had been her favourite companion of all time.
Chloe was startled by a cat's mew . She listened closely as the cat continued mewing. Chloe crouched down to get a better view of the cat hiding beneath the dumpster. It was a black cat with strangely coloured eyes.  One green as the ocean and the other red as the sunset sky. The cat crawled out of its hiding and looked at the bag in Chloe's hand. It must've smelled the tuna, Chloe thought. But the cat ran away as Chloe proceeded to scratch it's ears. Chloe promptly followed the cat into the dark alley forgetting all about her home and her strain. It felt as if the cat's eyes had cast a spell on her which made her follow it without even giving it a second thought.

The cat stopped as it hit a dead end at the end of an alley. It was a place that she had never visited before. The walls were covered in weird Graffiti which seemed cool to her.
"There- there kitty , you don't have be scared , I won't hurt you......." Chloe whispered as she crouched down once again making a gesture to call the cat towards her. The cat could simply jump on the wall and escape but it turned towards Chloe to face her , a cheshire grin spreading across it's face.
Do cats in real life even do that ? Chloe was puzzled .But before she could think any further , the cat turned into an enormous shadow , big enough to engulf an entire car.

Chloe  fell against her back in panic, constantly trying to drag herself away from the creature. She was petrified as the the shadow figure opened it's eyes and stared into her own. One green and the other red. It felt as if it was peering into her very soul. And like the lash of lightning , the shadow collapsed upon her like a huge tsunami wave engulfing her body in an instant colouring the graffiti red in the process.


  1. Greetings to my readers !
    Here's another update to send shivers down your spine.
    Don't forget to comment and while you're at it answer my question-
    Would you follow a cat into a dark alley ?


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