Nightmare or ............. REAL ?

It was 12:00 am as I glanced at my desktop. Strained from over working I stretched my legs and yawned. My whole body ached as moved , it was weekend and I had to over time where as my friends were out partying at some cozy club. My fingers could no longer type and my eyes could no longer fight off the fatigue. My head began to ache. I reached my bag to get those pills only to find the bottle empty. Frustrated, I stood up and set off for the espresso machine, although my legs refused to move and the damn machine seemed to be almost 100 miles away from my desk I decided to get that damn coffee because it was the only thing that could keep me working till I finish the work.
The office was completely lonely it seemed that I was the only soul wandering in the middle of the night . I could hear my own footsteps echo in the whole room. Suddenly I felt as if I was being watched, I felt a bit uneasy but kept on walking but the coffee machine seemed to get further away. I shivered as I felt a shadow was creeping behind me, I froze dead in my tracks and listened sound ..............................but I knew....................... someone or something was following me for sure. I turned around was pitch black .........................I could see the little coming light from my desk.I let out a deep sigh and turned towards the coffee machine only to get the uneasy feeling of been followed . I gathered all of my strength and yelled "Who the hell are you ? Just come out and face me ! "  But there was no response I could hear my voice echoing in the room . "Oh god , its probably my mind playing tricks on me " I laughed at myself for being such a paranoid .......but........the next echo which I heard next beat the hell out of me..........................I heard a guy's laugh which was quite longer than mine .
I started trembling, my hands were all sweaty and my legs refused to move . I could hear my heart pounding.
I recovered myself and began running towards the elevator .Panting I pressed the elevator's button . But nothing happened ............. the guy,s laugh was still ringing in my ears as I pressed the button like 50 times but the damn elevator did not work.I could hear someones footsteps behind me . I began running in random direction and I could hear the footsteps following me ...... I hit a dead end panicking I turned around to find another way and ............................then I saw him............or rather I saw it was a half burned corpse and covered in blood . I was shaking like a leaf and I felt as if I was paralyzed ............I could not move .....................the figure moved towards me with a weird smile on its barely visible lips. I began searching for something as my hands laid on a hard object was a glass jar ..........with all my leftover strength I picked the jar and threw it on the figure. The figure disappeared and the glass jar broke into thousands of shards.I sprinted towards my desk and began searching for my cell phone to call someone for help..........but then I felt something icy grab my throat from behind. I screamed at the top of my lungs ....................................................................................and.................................................................I woke up ..............I had been asleep................................ the computer was was12:00am..............I rubbed my head and grabbed my purse to leave for home . On my way back ,I came across the shards of broken glass jar ............................. and a thought flashed Was it a Nightmare or.............Real ?


  1. This is my first Blog . Hope you enjoy it .
    Do tell me how it is..

  2. Sorry ha sammy mi ...purna nahi wachala pn ha ......hardha wachala ....khup majja aali ......its oooooooooosome.....kdk

    6 September 2017 at 07:41

  3. It's Good you Write Continue Best of luck 😊👍

  4. In a short blog you are successful to create horror atmosphere. Good job & efforts for first blog. You have good sense to write stories. Good Luck.......
    Pratibha Amit Kamble

  5. First I was surprised �������� that my little cute Sis writting a blog on internet....u r blog is very nice...keep it up...write more and things on u r mind.... Be cool always ��������

  6. अतिशय सुंदर इंग्लिश शब्दावर वर्चस्व , खूप सुंदर लेखन ,आम्ही पुढील ब्लॉग ची वाट पाहतोय

  7. Yup, it was Real Good 👌👍


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