A Strange Night

Emily could hardly walk as her vision got blurred with tears. It was Valentines Day and she had caught her fiance cheating on her. She could no longer fight back her tears and sank into a park bench clutching her head with both of her hands. It was getting dark and cold. The park was deserted and Emily was all alone.

She loved him with all her heart and soul. Everything was perfect and now that they were getting married the next month , she had caught him with some another girl. It was quite a big blow for her , she was shook right to the core . Being betrayed by her loved ones was the worst nightmare she could ever imagine. She was deeply hurt...............What was she supposed to do now ? What was she supposed to answer to her folks ? where was she supposed to go now ? Several questions rose in her head and she could hear her heart breaking into thousands of pieces.
Her eyes were sore and her cheeks red from crying. She could feel the weight of the engagement ring on her finger. It was a gold ring with beautiful carving on it. How happy she was when John had proposed her....... it was like a dream come true. the same ring which stood as a symbol of love now was the symbol of betrayal. Without giving it a second thought she pulled it off from her finger tears dripping down her cheeks and threw it into dark.She felt depressed and some sort of rage rising inside of her. She felt as if her head could burst anytime.
She took out her cellphone from her pocket and messaged her sister " GOOD BYE ".
That's it she had decided to end her life she could no longer bear the pain. Trembling , she stood up from the bench and walked slowly towards the lake. She just had to jump into the water then the water would take away all the pain from her forever.............she would be at peace.
The night was young and the lake shone basked in moonlight. The sky was full of stars which resembled diamonds. A cool breeze blew past her as she looked at the moon for the last time.
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"The night sure is beautiful today." a male voice came from behind.
Emily stiffened as the man continued to speak further.
"The night is in full splendor tonight,probably the best night of the week, what do you think Emily?"
Emily froze in shock as he said her name ,she turned around to discover a completely stranger smiling warmly at her.How could he possibily know her name ? And a moment ago she was all alone in the park ....where did he come from ?
But this was not even the slightest of her problem.She turned away and replied,
" Look I don't know who you are and if John sent you , I don't wanna talk with anyone so just leave me alone."
"No one sent me here and you know ending your life isn't the only solution."
"It's none of your business and how the hell do you know I was about to suicide ?"Emily said with frustration.
"You're practically standing on the edge of the bridge with sore eyes anyone cold notice that." He said with a grin.
He was a blonde young guy with blue eyes and pale skin. somehow his presence felt kind of strange.
"Look I just saw you crying on the bench a while ago and thought you might need someone to talk to and I could lend a ear soo...." he said with velvet smooth voice.
The pain in Emily's chest was growing and she felt as if her heart would burst at any second and so she decided to take off all the pain in her heart.Tears welled up in her eyes as she poured her heart out to him.
The guy felt sad for her and patted her head as she sobbed and said,
"Look everything will be fine just don't think of ending your life as it isn't the solution."
His hand was ice cold for some reason but Emily felt a little better now.Suddenly she heard a familiar voice from a distance, it was her sister Sophie running towards her.
Emily felt a cool breeze past her as Sophie hugged her tightly.
"You idiot ! you got me so worried Em' I'm so relieved to see you alright."
"I was about to end my life and then this guy showed up and-"
"End your life !!!!! Don't ever think about it again Em' "
" I won't Sophie it is because of this guy that I'm alright."
" What guy are you talking about.... there is no one else in this park besides me and you."
"But Sophie he is right here-"
As Emily turned around to find him , he was not there ..........he seemed to have disappeared into thick air but how was that even possible........
"Lets go home Em' "
Emily nodded confused. as the girls walked across the deserted park Emily shot a glance to where she had been standing and there he was ............ he stood there in a beam of moonlight smiling at her.
Was he even real............................?


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